LEVEL5 Quest® Fast, Fuzzy, Found!

Fuzzy Relational Database Publishing & Searching
LEVEL5 Quest solves a common problem. Until now, if you didnÆt get an exact match in your database search, you got nothing at all - leaving you to sift through mountains of data. LEVEL5 Quest on the other hand, gives you answers that are "close enough." That means no more "no records found" messages. And no more massive, unwieldy result sets. What makes LEVEL5 Quest unique is its ability to return answers even when there are no exact database matches. WhatÆs more, answers are rated by how closely they match your personal preferences. The technology behind LEVEL5 QuestÆs unique capabilities is advanced fuzzy logic engines and concept search maps, so you can point at what you like and search a database for all the records that are a good match.

LEVEL5 Quest Workstation
for Windows.

See why searching desktop data
will never be the same
LEVEL5 Quest Server
for Web Servers

Find out more about how you can
publish relational data on the internet.

LEVEL5 Sales 1335 Gateway Drive, Suite 2005 Melbourne, FL 32901
(800) 444-4303 or (407) 729-6004 FAX (407) 727-7615 Web www.l5r.com